Private William Claypole

Private William Claypole

Army Number : 21053

Battalion : 2nd Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derbys) Regiment.

Born and lived in Nottingham. Son of George Thomas and Sarah Ann Claypole, of 3, Bloomfield Street, Dame Agnes Street, Nottingham. He was a cardboard box cutter prior to enlisting at Nottingham. He went to France on 29th June 1915 and was killed in action, 9th August 1915, aged 20, in the attack at Sanctuary Wood, Belgium.

Commemorated: Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium. Panel 39 and 41.

Ypres Menin Gate Memorial, Belgium.

Private William Claypole is also commemorated on the following local memorials:-
Victoria Embankment War Memorial, Nottingham.

Victoria Embankment War Memorial, Nottingham.
Victoria Embankment War Memorial, Nottingham.