Private Ernest Bentley

Army Number: 97884

Battalion: 2nd Battalion Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derbys) Regiment.

British War and Victory MedalBorn at Hawksworth, Yorkshire. Son of William and Mary Ann Bentley, of 4, Hall Cliffs, Baildon, Shipley, Yorkshire. He was a gardener prior to enlisting 4th January 1917 at Keighley, Yorkshire. He went to France 13th February 1918 and suffered gunshot wounds to his hip, 24th March 1918 and treated at 56 Casualty Clearing Station, Gezaincourt, France and 73 General Hospital Trouville, France before rejoining his battalion. He was admitted to 72 General Hospital Trouville, France, 28th April 1918 suffering from Scarlet Fever. He rejoined his battalion and died of wounds, 20th September 1918, aged 19, at No. 40 Casualty Clearing Station, Brie, France. 

Buried : Brie British Cemetery, France. Plot 1. Row E. Grave 8.

Brie British Cemetery, France.