Private John William Allsop

Army Number: 18116

Battalion: 10th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derbys) Regiment.

Born at Kirk Ireton, Derbyshire. Son of John and Frances Allsop. He lived at Shottle, Derbyshire and was a farm labourer prior to enlisting at Nottingham. He went to France on 27th August 1915 and was killed in action, 17th February 1917, whilst serving in the trenches near Bouleaux Wood, near Combles, France.

Commemorated  Thiepval Memorial, France. Pier and Face 10 C 10 D and 11 A

Thiepval Memorial, France.

Private John William Allsop is also commemorated on the following local memorials:-
Holy Trinity Church War Memorial, Kirk Ireton, Derbyshire.